A message from the FNHA Wellness Initiatives Team
If you're an Indigenous person in BC, you're invited to join our 30x30 Active Challenge for the month of June! For this challenge, we encourage you to commit to at least 30 minutes of physical activity for each of the 30 days of June. We want to motivate you and your community to kick-start and/or ramp-up your wellness – with the goal of making daily exercise a habit!
As we approach summer, this is a great opportunity to get together with your online community or your core “bubble" – a group of friends, family members, your community or even your team at work – to get active for 30 minutes a day and share your stories with us. Join us to stay motivated, focused and make exercising a little more fun!
Overall, 4,512 people registered for the 30x30 Active Challenge and this year, we hope to have even more people join us with other Wellness Champions across BC by using the hashtags: #30x30ActiveChallengeFNHA and #BeActiveFNHA.
This year, we're also excited to partner with the Indigenous Sports and Physical Activity Council (ISPARC) and the University of British Columbia (UBC) Learning Circle on a webinar series called Inspirational Indigenous Athletes Series, which will take place every Thursday in June at 10 a.m. Watch our social media for more information.
Ready to commit to a healthier summer? Register for the 30x30 Active Challenge here.
Download our 30x30 Active Challenge Physical Activity Log Calendar
Download our 30x30 Active Challenge Physical Activity Log Sheet