But don't stop now! Keep on going to make daily exercising a habit!

A message from Dr. Shannon McDonald, FNHA Chief Medical Officer
Thank you everyone for sharing and posting about your 30+ minutes of activity for each of the 30 days of September! By doing so, you helped encourage and inspire others while helping yourself to get healthier.
We hope that you enjoyed participating as well as seeing what others are doing to keep fit in different communities around BC. We had more than 4,500 registrants for this year's 30x30 Active Challenge, up from 2,912 last year—so there was a lot to see and share. People of all ages and fitness levels were doing everything from walking, running and swimming to boot camp boxing, fitness dancing, and workouts with either Zoom / YouTube classes or others in their bubble.
Our hope is that doing this challenge kick-started your health and wellness journey by getting you into the habit of moving every day. The idea is to keep on going and even build on the 30 minutes of activity each day!
For my part, whenever I was home, my husband and I walked our dogs together and I spent time gardening (a passion of mine)—it's actually a pretty good workout! When it was too smoky outside, we did some basic stretching exercises indoors. My goal is to keep up this healthy routine consistently. When I do manage it, I notice the benefits of regular physical activity—improved energy and mood (exercise releases endorphins, chemicals that cause feelings of happiness), better sleep, improved blood sugars, and more. I'm sure you notice that you feel better too when you're active regularly.
I was inspired by the many amazing posts and photos you shared with us on our social media platforms. You are all Wellness Champions! I was especially impressed by the stories of Jessie Jim from the Hesquiaht First Nation and Kym Gouchie from the Lheidli T'enneh First Nation, who showed us all that it's never too late to turn around your health and wellness. They're both kokums in their 50s, but they didn't let that stop them from doing the 30x30 Active Challenge last year—and keeping up their activities all year long. They started slow and steady, gradually increasing their momentum and adding other lifestyle changes like cutting out sugary drinks and drinking lots of water. This year, they're much healthier, fitter and lighter (Jessie has lost 66 lbs so far), and serving as inspirational role models and Wellness Champions for their families, friends and other Indigenous people. Keep on going with your activities, because this could be you too!
Again, we hope that you enjoyed participating in the 30x30 Active Challenge and that you will keep on going towards a healthier, happier you!
Be Well,
Dr. Shannon
P.S. If you're reading this but didn't participate, it's never too late to get started becoming healthier! Following are some tips we've shared previously:
• Having a friend or online group that can support you can be the winning factor for your wellness!
• Consider what works for you. For example, outdoor spaces can be great to connect with traditional lands and nature, but for some people—such as those with asthma, mobility issues, or wildlife safety concerns—an indoor facility like a recreation gym or even a local mall might be a good option. Of course, while the pandemic is still with us, you may wish to either wear a mask when in inside public spaces or to exercise at home.
• Consider what you enjoy or would like to try! If your activity is fun to you, it will be easier to keep going! Remember that activities like gardening, picking berries, dancing, walking the dog, or playing tag with your kids or grandkids all count!
• Stay safe. If there are concerns about your physical health status—whether through injury or a medical condition—we encourage you to check with a health care provider (e.g., a physician, community nurse, or physiotherapist) to review your situation.