Even though spring has been cool and rainy in many parts of BC, we all need to plan ahead for potential floods, wildfires and extreme heat this summer.
The FNHA is working with our partners to prepare for the summer, including putting together guidance and resources for individuals and communities to plan for and respond to extreme weather events. This includes supports from the Province of BC and the FNHA to better respond to local emergencies.
As a partner in health and wellness, the FNHA works with communities and other health organizations to prepare for and respond to emergencies in a number of ways.
By providing up-to-date and relevant emergency awareness information, resources and emergency planning support, we can aid First Nations communities and individuals, including those living in urban areas and away from home.
Supports for communities during emergencies and extreme weather events can include equipment such as portable air cleaners, reimbursement of air conditioners for individuals with vulnerabilities to extreme heat, or expenses related to standing up community-based cooling centres.
As we continue to apply lessons learned, the supports provided may evolve with each season and every event. We are currently in the process of updating our supports for this year, which will be shared through the FNHA's Environmental Health and Emergencies webpage as they are available.
In addition, the FNHA is working to increase regional capacity to provide a range of wrap-around health supports, including cultural support, to communities and Nations in times of emergency.

What you can do to prepare for an extreme weather event
Check out PreparedBC for guides and resources that will help you, your family and your community to prepare for a range of emergencies. Remember to check your personal emergency kits and keep their contents updated with correct contact, identity, and prescription information!
NOTE: PreparedBC will be releasing heat preparedness guidance before summer. This will include tips on what you can do before and during extreme heat events, how to know if you might be particularly vulnerable to heat and what to do if you get too hot.
Provincial Funding for Community Preparedness
The Union of BC Municipalities' Community Emergency Preparedness Fund is currently accepting applications to a range of funding streams that support community preparedness including assessment, mapping, and planning for flood and heat events.