The FNHA has launched a new survey to understand how First Nations people living in urban areas and away from home access health and wellness information.
The survey is open to First Nations people in BC (status or non-status) who live in the following areas:
• an urban area or city,
• a rural, remote or isolated area that is not in a First Nations community or on a reserve, or
• a reserve that is away from their home community.
“Your feedback will help the FNHA improve how we communicate and engage with our urban and away-from-home clients," says Richard Jock, CEO of the FNHA. “It will also help us strengthen our support for First Nations people in BC, wherever they live or access health services."
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous. Participants can also provide their email address for a chance to win a weekly draw for a $50 gift card in their region.
Click here to start the survey.
The survey closes on April 19, 2021.
Anyone who is unable to access the online survey can request a paper copy from the FNHA's Urban and Away-from-Home team at UAFH@fnha.ca.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I part of the urban and away-from-home population?
The FNHA uses the term “urban and away from home" instead of “off-reserve". The urban and away-from-home population includes First Nations people in BC (status or non-status) who live in the following areas:
• An urban area or city,
• A rural, remote or isolated area that is not in a First Nations community or on a reserve, or
• A reserve that is away from their home community.
This may include individuals who live part-time in urban areas or away from their home community.
Is there a minimum age limit to participate in the survey?
A person must be at least 12 years old to respond to the survey on their own. A parent, guardian or legal representative may respond to the survey on behalf of a child under 12 years of age, or a person 12 years of age or older who is not capable of responding to the survey on their own.
Who is managing the survey?
The FNHA's Urban and Away-from-Home team is managing the survey. The Urban and Away-From-Home Health and Wellness Framework describes the FNHA's vision and goals for expanding support for the urban and away-from-home population.
The FNHA is the first province-wide health authority of its kind in Canada and works to reform how health care is delivered to First Nations people in BC. The FNHA strives to be a health and wellness partner to all First Nations people in BC no matter where they live or access health services.
How will the FNHA protect my privacy?
All survey responses are anonymous. There is no way to link your responses to your name or other identifying information. Please do not answer open-ended questions in a way that could identify you or another individual. If this happens, we will remove the answers from our data file.
All responses will be combined into a final survey report that may be shared within the FNHA and with the general public. Individual answers will not be reported and there will be no way to identify you in the report.
At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you would like to provide your contact information to enter the draw and/or to be contacted by the FNHA in the future. If you choose to provide this information, it will not be linked to your survey responses and will only be used by the FNHA for the purpose(s) that you select. It will not be shared with any other organizations.
Your contact information will be stored securely and only authorized FNHA staff members will be able to access it. When this information is no longer needed for the purpose(s) that you selected, it will be securely destroyed.
How do I enter to win a $50 gift card?
At the end of the survey, you have the option to provide your name, email and region to enter a random weekly draw to win a $50 gift card. The FNHA will draw a new winner from each of the five BC health regions every Tuesday from March 30 to April 20, 2021.
Winners can choose a gift card from one of the following retailers:
• Local grocery store
• Canadian Tire
• Tim Hortons
• Indigo
After each draw, if you are not a winner, you will be re-entered in the next weekly draw for your region. If you are a winner, you will be notified by email and you will not be eligible to win any remaining draws.
FNHA employees are welcome to participate in the survey but are not eligible to enter the draw.
Are there other ways for me to share my views with the FNHA?
At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you would like to provide your name and email to be contacted by the FNHA in the future. If you agree, you may receive: (a) information about FNHA programs and services and/or (b) invitations to participate in future FNHA surveys or engagement activities.
You can also opt in to receive the FNHA e-newsletter to stay up to date on news and future surveys.
What if I don't want to answer a question?
Taking part in the survey is voluntary and you can exit the survey at any time. You can skip any question you do not wish to answer and continue to the next question. If you skip a question, it will not affect your ability to enter the draw for a gift card.
Your decision to do the survey will not affect any services you or anyone in your household is receiving.
How long will the survey take?
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Is there a deadline for completing the survey?
The survey will close at 11:59 p.m. PST on April 19, 2021.
How do I take part in the survey?
You can complete the survey online here.
You can request a paper copy of the survey by emailing UAFH@fnha.ca.
Where can I find information about FNHA programs and services available to the urban and away-from-home population?
Some of the programs and services provided or funded by the FNHA are available to urban and away-from-home First Nations people in BC. A list of key resources is provided below and more information can be found on the FNHA website.
• A list of mental health and cultural supports available during COVID-19.
• Information about the Health Benefits Program (available to status First Nations people in BC).
• Information about eHealth and virtual health services, including Virtual Doctor of the Day.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please contact the FNHA's Urban and Away-from-Home team at UAFH@fnha.ca.
Download this information in PDF format here.